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[bsf-info-box icon=”none” icon_size=”64″ title=”File size: 40Mb” el_class=”icon2″]

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Supported Operating Systems are Windows 10, Windows 8, Windows 7, Windows Vista SP2, Windows XP SP3+, Windows Server 2003 SP2+, Windows Server 2008, Windows Server 2008 R2, Windows Server 2012.

A live Internet connection is recommended.

You must have administrator privileges on your computer to run the GameEx Installer.

The default themes can be downloaded below. These are by default downloaded and installed when installing GameEx, but provided here in case you want to do a complete offline install. 7-Zip file. Download to within the gameex folder (normally c:\gameex) and extract with  7-Zip, WinRar, or WinAce. Use the extract here option in your archive tool.

Themes.7z –
Offline Game Manual Viewer Install – 12MB – Download

The installer and GameEx will detect if running under WINE on Linux or Mac OS X and act accordingly.
The only external requirement is wine-mono which is included with modern wine builds. The installer will also try to download it if it is not present.

Several features are not available when running under WINE and the status of GameEx used in this way is experimental.

A prepared Mac OS X version is available that will work out of the box on modern Macs.

Download GameEx for OS X

Various support files which deserve a lot of the credit are here.